Daniele Rabozzi

MeditationHatha YogaMandali Experience Teacher
Daniele has practiced yoga since 1981. Among the various schools he has attended and traditions he has explored, it was Raja Yoga, as taught by Gerard Blitz, and the non-dual approach of the Yoga of Kashmir that has nourished his teaching the most. The core of his practice is attentiveness to every moment, meditation in asana and pranayama, followed by sitting on a meditation cushion at the end of each practice as the crowning moment of the bodywork during the sequence.

His first trip to India in the late 1980s led to a series of experiences and relationships that have made the country his second home. Out of these encounters came a meeting and friendship with the Indian sage Vimala Thakar, which was the most influential experience of both his practice and his life. The intensity of Vimala’s teaching alongside her presence helped him to gain an entirely new perspective on yoga and took his practice beyond the confines of the mat.

He lives on Lake Maggiore in Northern Italy where he has been teaching yoga since 1995 at his yoga studio, a very active space that, in addition to weekly yoga classes, he uses for cultural meetings on the study of yoga, and to plan retreats and international workshops in Europe and India. He trains yoga teachers at a number of training schools and he is a member of YANI (the Italian National Yoga Teacher’s Association), on whose Board of Directors he sat for six years. He has also taught yoga out in the field, making it into prisons with courses for inmates and penitentiary police.

Learn more about Daniele: www.centroyogakailash.it

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Motto – teachers

"Those who are awake live in a constant state of amazement"

Jack Kornfield